preparatory optometry program nova

pb_deploy_ad(did, ainfo); var res = {}; Is NSUCO a good fit for you and your future? //pbjs = pbjs || {}; Goal 1 Students will graduate from the program with the necessary skills and knowledge to practice optometry. userSync: { This advance payment will be deducted from the tuition payment due on registration day, but is nonrefundable in the event of a withdrawal. The city is located on the Nura River (the Samarkand Reservoir . It is required that each student carry adequate personal medical insurance. With Nova Southeastern University's Dual Admission Optometry program, you can streamline your path to a career as a compassionate, competent optometrist. var dids_do = {}; } else return; } } 316, Nova Southeastern University, "Preparatory Optometry Program 2016" (2016). gdprApplies: gdprApplies, googletag.cmd.push(function() { rmsg("starting pb confg"); res['bodyjs'] = '